If you live in Africa
Become an Associate Member via the link (click here).
Otherwise, call or email us and we will send you bank details.
If you live in Europe and are able to donate to help the building of our church in Umuaka (Nigeria), then follow the following link : http://www.fssp.org/en/aider.htm. Click to the tab which says "support our mission in Nigeria".
For those who live in the US, here is the link https://fssp.com/missions/.
Checks may also be mailed to:
Mission Tradition
The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter
119 Griffin Rd
Elmhurst Township, PA 18444
but please remember to indicate "Nigeria" on the donation. For other options, including a recurring monthly donation, please visit Mission Tradition.
If you do not live in either Europe or the US, either of the links can be used to contribute to the apostolate.