November 28th
Thanksgiving was celebrated here at Nne Enyemaka by the priests, students, and some others with a wonderful turkey dinner. There were turkey, mashed potatoes, carrots and much more. The students were given Thursday and Friday off from school and all participated in preparing the feast. The garden is improving slowly and some of our crops have begun to sprout. The pigs continue to grow now, and hopefully, we will have some little ones coming in the next couple months. Fr. O'Brien made his regular visitation of the sick and elderly of the parish, about 18 people, this last week. Every last Saturday of the month is the ceremony for the Knights of the Altar, and this month 3 were admitted to new ranks: 1 Apprentice, 1 Page, and 1 Knight. Visit the Farm page to see pictures of the crops, the white turkey we ate for Thanksgiving, and some of the fruits we have growing here.
November 14th
It was time to de-worm the pigs. Each pig had to be caught and held still as the medicine was injected. The boys of St. Mary’s, the neighboring parish, failed to show up for the scheduled Volleyball match, but after a long week of study, the boys played for a couple of hours showing great improvement of skills and knowledge of the game since the net was set up last month. A picture of the front of the church that we are building as it stands now is given here. Click here to see the plans for the church which have recently been uploaded.